8 Habits That Make Your Face Look Older

Some living habits can actually make the face look older and we can change it to live a fitter, younger, and healthier life.

An aging face is a sign that almost everyone is most wary of, one of which is trying to be disguised.

According to the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, it is usually disguised through creams, peels, and botox injections.

However, that method can actually be abandoned to avoid dependence and focus on leaving bad habits that make the face look older. we are the ones who really have control over how the body performs the aging process.

Here's a habit that should be abandoned because it can make the face look older:

1. Not wearing sunscreen

UV exposure causes free radicals that damage collagen, elastin and skin cells. It causes premature aging of the skin, with wrinkling, dark spots, and the development of skin cancer. Even a short amount of daily sun exposure adds up to a lifetime

Keep in mind, collagen and elastin are proteins from our bodies that play a role in keeping the skin strong and resilient.

According to a study published in Dermatologic Surgery, using SPF 30 for 12 weeks is enough to markedly reverse signs of UV-related skin damage, such as uneven texture and pigmentation.

2. Lack of sleep

Lack of sleep can make your face look older. Our skin cells function on a circadian rhythm, similar to the sleep-wake cycle that makes us tired at night and wakes us up in the morning.

At night, the skin cells work to repair the damage it suffered during the day, such as sun exposure, pollution, breakouts.

Lack of sleep can reduce the process and our skin becomes not fresh.

Our skin becomes stressed and unable to complete the repair process, which in turn leads to unhealthy cells and premature aging.

It is recommended by experts that the ideal sleep for adults is around 8 hours.

Before going to bed, it is recommended to use a moisturizer all over the body because our skin can become dehydrated while sleeping.

Dry, inflamed skin will not function properly, limiting its ability to heal itself overnight.

3. Eat less fruit and vegetables

Fruits and vegetables contain many important nutrients, so eating less fruit can make your face look older.

adults eat at least one and a half to two fruits per day.

some studies show that eating a balanced diet full of fruits and vegetables is an antidote to disease, helping to prevent the damage that causes skin to age prematurely.

That's because fruits and vegetables are full of nutrients, such as antioxidants and vitamins, that keep your skin cells healthy.

Research reviews published in ISRN Dermatology notes have shown vitamin E may play a role:

Protects skin from UV damage

Solve pigmentation problems

Reduces inflammation.

Research published in the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology shows vitamins A, C, and B3 are good for the skin too because:

Helps prevent collagen breakdown

Producing and maintaining elasticity

Reduces hyperpigmentation.

Recommended fruits and vegetables that are useful for youthful skin or do not look older are dark leafy such as, Spinach, Sweet Potatoes, Oranges, Red Peppers, Strawberries, Asparagus, Mushrooms.

4. Eating too much sugar

Starchy and sugary foods can also cause various skin problems, which make us look older. Eating too much sugar raises our blood sugar levels, which can trigger inflammation and trigger acne breakouts.

Having a lot of acne can cause the skin to have permanent scarring due to damaged collagen.

Eating too much sugar can also lead to glycation, a process in which sugar molecules attach to collagen, the skin's main building blo

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